San Antonio Visitation Enforcement Lawyer

When You Need To Enforce Your Visitation Rights
Issues related to child custody and visitation are some of the most important concerns that will need to be addressed during a divorce, and unwed parents may also need to determine how they will share custody of their children. When these matters are handled in family court, parents and others involved in a case are likely to spend a considerable amount of time deciding how they will share legal and physical custody of their child, drafting visitation agreements, and putting plans in place for how they will handle child-related issues going forward. However, even the best laid plans will not provide a family with the necessary benefits if they are not followed correctly.
In situations where a parent refuses to abide by a visitation agreement or commits other violations of court orders, the other parent will need to determine how they can protect their parental rights, spend time with their children as required, and ensure that their children's best interests will be protected. If your child's other parent has refused to allow you to have time with your children, Brandon Wong & Associates can help you enforce your child visitation rights. Our attorneys have a strong understanding of the laws that affect child custody, and we have extensive experience representing clients in family law cases. We can help you resolve issues related to visitation through mediation or litigation.
Any Deviation Can Be Considered a Violation of Visitation Rights
A parenting agreement created during a divorce or child custody case will detail the visitation schedule that should be followed and set expectations for a co-parenting relationship. There are times when parents may find that they will be unable to follow the visitation schedule, and they can usually handle these situations on a temporary basis. For example, if a parent experiences car trouble that makes it impossible for them to pick up their kids and have visitation time, they may contact the other parent and make alternate transportation arrangements. If a parent will be unavailable for other reasons, they may notify the other parent that they will not be able to have their scheduled visitation time, and the parents may determine whether temporary adjustments to the schedule may be made. However, one parent cannot unilaterally decide to make changes to the visitation schedule or refuse to allow the other parent to spend time with their children. When they do, the other parent can take steps to enforce the terms of the agreement.
Many minor disputes or deviations from a parenting plan may be resolved through mediation or even open communication between parents. When this is not possible, or when a parent repeatedly ignores the rules or refuses to follow the visitation schedule, these matters may need to be resolved in court.
There are multiple deviations from a visitation schedule or parenting agreement that may be considered a violation, including:
- Failure to exchange the children at the designated time or place
- Keeping a child beyond the allotted time period
- Showing up randomly during the other parent's time with the child
- Calling frequently during the other parent's time with the child
- Withholding important information about school or extracurricular activities from the other parent
- Allowing an unauthorized third party to make exchanges at the beginning or end of a parent's visitation time
- Taking the child without notifying the other parent
- Disparaging the other parent to the child in an attempt to harm their parent/child relationship
- Participating in activities or behaving in a way that puts the child's safety or well-being at risk
Contact Our Bexar County Child Custody Enforcement Lawyers
Some matters related to visitation can be handled amicably. However, if you have been unable to work things out with the other parent, or if the two of you have a history of conflict, you may need legal help as you address this issue. To learn how our attorneys can help you protect your parental rights and provide for your children's best interests, contact us at 210-201-3832 to set up an initial consultation.