San Antonio Contested Divorce Attorney

San Antonio Contested Divorce Lawyer Serving Bexar County
It is reasonable to assume that you are not getting along with your spouse if you have made the decision to end your marriage. When you and your spouse cannot agree on major aspects of your divorce, you will have to pursue a contested divorce. The contested divorce process is typically more expensive and time-consuming compared to situations in which you are able to cooperate with the other party out of court.
At Brandon Wong & Associates, we can advise you on the best ways to protect yourself during the divorce process. While we believe in helping you pursue an uncontested divorce and resolving matters outside of the courtroom when possible, we know that some disputes may need to be addressed through litigation in court. We are prepared to advocate on your behalf during your case, and we will work to resolve disputes as efficiently as possible while doing everything we can to help you achieve your goals.
Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer During a Contested Divorce
We guarantee that our divorce lawyers will do everything in their power to protect you, the quality of your future, and the value of your marital estate. How do we maintain our promise in a contested divorce? There are a few things we never forget:
- Preparation is the key to success: We can help you take steps to proactively protect your rights and your assets. We also ask that you obtain documents that will provide important information about your financial situation, such as bank and credit card statements or property deeds. We will help advise you on the information we need, but our rule of thumb is "bring everything you can get your hands on to our first meeting."
- Knowledge is power: As a part of our preparation, we take the time to get a complete picture of your personal and financial situation, including working with experts such as forensic accountants when necessary to identify all of your community property and separate property. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the law and the way in which the courts apply it under varying circumstances. The more we know, the better we are able to successfully handle any challenge presented to us.
- Cooperation remains a necessity: You and your spouse may not be able to work together, but we need to be able to cooperate with you as we take steps to protect your rights and interests and advocate on your behalf throughout the divorce process. We promise to act in your best interests. In order to uphold this promise, we rely on your honesty and participation with us throughout the process.
- Prioritization goes a long way: You are going to have to make some compromises in any divorce. We will listen carefully to your concerns and take the time to understand your goals. Picking our battles can help result in more valuable wins and fewer expensive losses. Remember, it will often cost just as much to argue over who gets the teapot as it does to address issues related to child custody.
- Having a voice of reason is not a bad thing: It is very easy to get emotional during the end of your marriage, especially in a contested divorce. After all, you are arguing over the most important things in your life. We will be the voice of reason when you need it, helping you stay on track so you can focus on your family's needs.
Contested Divorce FAQs
Answer: When spouses can reach an agreement about all their divorce terms, they can complete an uncontested divorce. However, when the spouses are not able to agree and need a court to decide on some or all of the issues in their case, this is called contested divorce. Contested divorce cases are tried before a judge. Both parties can present evidence and arguments during divorce litigation, and the judge will make a final decision on all outstanding issues.
Answer: The length of a case will usually depend on how complex the divorce is. For spouses who were not married very long and do not own much marital property, a contested divorce will likely take under a year. For spouses who share complex marital property, like stock portfolios, a business, or multiple real estate properties, a contested divorce may take several years. Divorces where the spouses have children in common may also take longer to resolve, as the court may want to use a guardian ad litem to gather information and provide recommendations about how child custody issues should be handled.
Answer: In an uncontested divorce, the spouses mutually agree on the terms of their divorce, usually using a process like mediation or attorney-facilitated negotiation. Once the spouses have agreed on each issue, they generally only need to submit the agreement to the court. The court then finalizes the divorce and issues a divorce decree. In a contested divorce, however, a judge will decide on the terms of the divorce. Multiple hearings may be required, and a trial must be held in court before.
Answer: If you and your spouse are able to agree on all terms in your divorce settlement, you may only need to appear in court briefly to finalize the divorce.
Answer: An uncontested divorce usually costs less than a contested divorce. The exact costs will vary depending on the complexity of your divorce and how quickly and easily you and your spouse are able to reach agreements and create a workable settlement. In many cases, your attorneys can facilitate negotiations and help you reach a settlement quickly and with minimal expenses. In others, you may work with a mediator to help you and your spouse agree on the terms of your divorce settlement.
Contact Our San Antonio Contested Divorce Attorneys
Do you want to know more about how our experienced attorneys can provide the representation you need as you work to resolve disputes in your divorce? You can schedule your initial consultation by calling our office at 210-201-3832, or you can complete a confidential online form, and we will reach out to you.