New Braunfels Divorce Attorney

Lawyer for Child Custody and Dividing Marital Assets in Comal County
Divorce is one of the most common types of legal proceedings people undergo. For many, a divorce is their first contact with the court system. If your marriage is no longer working, you are not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, roughly one-third of all adults who were ever married are divorced. Anyone can experience the breakdown of a marriage. The important thing now is ensuring that you will be financially secure and continue to enjoy the most possible time with your children.
Brandon Wong & Associates is a highly experienced family law firm. We will take the time to understand what your most important priorities are during your divorce. We will tailor our representation of you to focus on your personal needs. What is important to you in your divorce is important to us. In many cases, we can help you and your spouse take advantage of a simplified divorce process through mediation. However, we never back down in a courtroom battle if that is what you need from us.
New Braunfels Lawyer for Dividing Marital Property
In Texas, you are entitled to a full 50% of the marital property. Generally, marital property is anything you acquired after the marriage, with a few exceptions. Separate property is generally anything you owned before the marriage, as well as a few types of post-marital acquisitions like gifts and inheritances.
Some assets are more challenging than others to divide. Real estate in particular can be a challenge, as it is often the spouses' most valuable asset. Other complex assets like retirement accounts or pensions and family businesses in need of valuation can be difficult to split. We will undertake a complete accounting of your marital assets so that we can make sure you receive what is rightfully yours.
If you were financially dependent on your spouse, you may be afraid to get divorced. However, there is a strong possibility that you may be eligible for alimony, depending on the length of your marriage and other factors.
Child Support and Custody Lawyer for Comal County Parents
Ending an unhappy marriage is often the best thing you can do for your children. However, dealing with child custody and child support issues can be emotionally and logistically challenging. Joint custody arrangements are preferred in most cases. Typically, this means that one parent will have primary physical custody, the other will have visitation, and both will share decision-making responsibilities. However, the precise arrangement will depend heavily on your particular situation and the needs of your child.
Divorce Mediation as a Simplified Solution
While uncontested divorce is not right for everyone, it can provide a faster and simpler path to legally end a marriage. In some cases, mediation is court-ordered. If you and your spouse are reasonably able to compromise in the interest of resolving the divorce out of court, then this may be the best option for you. Mediation can save time, money, and emotional energy in addition to protecting your children from conflict as much as possible.
New Braunfels Lawyer for Unique Divorce Needs
Some types of divorce cases require an attorney with specific experience. If you or your spouse are serving in the military or are a veteran, your needs may differ from those of the general population. Our attorneys have helped service men and women get divorced many times, and we have developed a strong understanding of the issues that may play a role in this particular situation.
LBGT+ families may likewise need an attorney who has worked with same-sex couples to complete the divorce process. Child custody and parentage can be complex for same-sex spouses and for those who are trans or nonbinary. Our lawyers will take the time to understand your personal needs and your family dynamic so that we can best serve you.
Contact a New Braunfels Divorce Lawyer
There is no divorce case Brandon Wong & Associates cannot take on with confidence. Our experienced divorce lawyers are well-versed in addressing a wide variety of issues that may arise in your case. Contact us at 210-201-3832 for a confidential consultation.