Seguin Child Custody Attorney

Lawyer for Family Law Issues in Guadalupe County
As a parent, you would probably do anything for your child. Few things in life could ever be more precious than the time you spend parenting your children. Unfortunately, when parents split - or were never together - new arrangements for child custody will often need to be made. This can be done in court with a judge making the decisions, or it can be done out of court through mediation or negotiation. Our attorneys will work with you to identify the best approach for you and your children.
Brandon Wong & Associates recognizes the importance of a parent's love and guidance in the life of a child. We understand what is at stake in every custody case we take on. Whether your custody dispute is incident to a divorce or a standalone issue, you will receive passionate advocacy from us for the duration of your case.
Seguin Attorney for Child Custody Agreements
Not all child custody cases will need to be decided at the judicial level. In many cases, child custody issues are decided during divorce mediation or negotiation. When that is possible, a child custody plan can be included as part of an uncontested divorce settlement, and standalone custody cases can also be settled this way.
If you and the other parent feel able to engage meaningfully in alternative dispute resolution, we may be able to help you establish a custody arrangement without the need for stressful proceedings that can be hard on everyone involved. Our attorneys are skilled in helping parents settle these cases out of court.
Types of Child Custody in Texas
In Texas, child custody disputes are generally not "win or lose" affairs. While one parent will often be given primary custody, the other parent nearly always retains visitation rights. There are also two aspects of child custody - physical and legal. The first is the right to have the child spend time with you on a regular basis. The latter refers to decision-making rights.
In many cases, one parent will have primary physical custody, while legal custody remains shared. Often, the noncustodial parent will be required to pay child support.
How Texas Courts Decide Which Parent Gets Custody
When a child custody case does need to be decided by the court, such as in a contested divorce, it will be decided based on the child's best interests. Texas state law sets out a number of factors courts use to make this difficult determination, including:
- Parental involvement - How involved has each parent been in the child's life and affairs?
- Household stability - Children should generally be placed in more stable households.
- Child's wishes - The child's age and maturity level are considered.
- Abuse - If either parent has committed family violence or has a criminal history, they are less likely to receive custody.
- Parental cooperation - It is important that both parents can cooperate with a custody and visitation schedule.
- Continuity - Courts are hesitant to uproot a child or cause major changes to the child's daily life.
In many cases, a guardian ad litem is appointed to help the court investigate independently. In these situations, it is important to refrain from attempting to coach your children in any way, as this is likely to be apparent to a trained guardian ad litem.
Fathers' Rights Lawyer for Guadalupe County
Historically, mothers were favored in child custody contests. This is no longer the case - fathers and mothers have equal parental rights. If you were not married to the mother and did not use a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity, we may need to begin by establishing your legal status as a father. Our firm understands the importance of fatherhood, and we are committed to protecting fathers' rights.
Contact a Seguin Child Custody Lawyer
Brandon Wong & Associates is committed to helping parents in our community maintain the closest possible connection with their children after a divorce or split. To schedule a confidential consultation, please contact us at 210-201-3832.