Seguin Fathers' Rights Attorney

Lawyer for Asserting a Father's Parental Rights in Guadalupe County
Fathers are a historically disadvantaged group in Texas when it comes to child custody and child support concerns. In the past, it was presumed that mothers are the more suitable caregivers for children. However, times have changed. It is no longer 1950. This is the 21st century, and the importance of fatherhood is now well understood. Under the law, mothers and fathers in Texas have equal rights. Child custody cases are now decided based on what is in the child's best interest, with no regard for the gender of either parent.
Brandon Wong & Associates is here to protect the rights of fathers to enjoy time with their children, share in decision-making powers, and more. If you are not already established as your child's legal father, that will be our first step in your journey toward asserting the rights associated with being a parent. We believe that all children deserve to receive love, guidance, and support from both parents wherever possible.
Attorney for Your Rights as a Father During a Custody Dispute
In decades past, many fathers were unfairly refused primary custody of their children despite being the more suitable parent. In the past, the presumption was that mothers are the primary caregivers and children should not be separated from them. That presumption is gone. Now, the gender of the parents is no longer a factor in custody decisions.
Custody decisions are often made incident to a divorce, but a case can be brought any time there is a dispute between parents, regardless of the nature of their current or past relationship. If you are considering an uncontested divorce or have been ordered to attend mediation, there is a substantial chance that we will be able to help you and your spouse reach a reasonable agreement on a custody arrangement.
If your custody case does need to be decided at the judicial level, our attorneys will be there to fight for you. The court will consider factors such as what your child wants, how involved each parent is in the children's lives, and how stable each parent's household generally is. Any factor can come out in favor of any parent, so our goal will be to craft powerful arguments in your favor based on your situation.
Seguin Paternity Lawyer
Another advantage mothers typically have is that there is no question that the child is theirs. Fathers who were not married to the mother at the time of birth may need to take additional steps to establish themselves as their child's legal parent.
Signing a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity is often the simplest way to establish legal parentage, but it requires cooperation from the mother. If she is unwilling, there are still mechanisms in place for formally establishing you as the father. We can petition the court to formally declare that your child is your child. If necessary, a DNA test can be ordered over the mother's objections.
Once paternity is established, we can begin helping you assert the rights that accompany being a parent. We can petition for child custody, child support if you are caring for the child, and more. Your child needs you, and we are committed to serving their best interests.
Legal Help With Mistaken Paternity
The inverse of protecting the rights of fathers is protecting the rights of men who are not fathers. It is not uncommon for a man to believe that he is the father of his wife or girlfriend's child only to later suspect that this is not the case. Our lawyers are skilled in addressing mistaken paternity cases, and we may be able to help ensure that you are not responsible for a child who is not yours.
Contact a Seguin Fathers' Rights Attorney
Brandon Wong & Associates is experienced in fighting for Texas fathers. Our skilled team of attorneys is committed to helping fathers establish paternity and secure time with their children. To arrange a confidential consultation, contact us at 210-201-3832.