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Father alleges violence threatened over child custody issue

 Posted on August 16, 2017 in Child Custody

During the course of a family breakdown, it is likely that there will be disagreements. However, while there may be hard feelings and an occasional heated discussion, the majority of child custody disputes will not escalate into threats or intimidation. Whenever San Antonio families find that they are unable to resolve an issue, they may wish to seek the input of a neutral third party.

Recently, one father resorted to contacting the police in regards to an alleged threat he received from another man. According to his account, he arrived at the home of his child’s mother in order to return their child to her care. Though the details of what transpired are not clear, another male in the home at the time purportedly threatened the father. The father claimed that the other male displayed a handgun and proceeded to point it at him.

The victim claimed that the intimidation tactic was related to an ongoing custody issue he had with the child’s mother. After the man displayed the weapon, the father quickly exited the residence and then notified the police after leaving the area. Officials responded to the address, but the man was no longer at the home. Authorities have yet to locate the man and have warned the public that he should be considered a threat.

No one was harmed in this instance. However, the threat of violence is a serious matter and could eventually have a bearing on how this custody case is resolved. The safety of all parties involved is paramount in any on-going dispute, and a family court judge will make the best determination possible in order to ensure the well-being of the children.

While this situation falls outside of the norm for the majority of child custody disagreements, San Antonio families may at times find themselves in a situation that they cannot resolve. Either parent may elect to seek the guidance of an experienced and compassionate family law attorney. Such an advocate may be able to help create a workable parenting plan that provides the optimal living arrangements while also preserving the relationships between each parent and their child.

Source:, “Harrisburg man accused of pulling out gun during child custody dispute“, Keith Schweigert, Aug. 7, 2017

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